How the VectorQ Impacts the 3 Universal Truths of Electricity

  • Truth: Power flow occurs in Real-Time
  • Truth: Electronic machines and loads unintelligently request power from a network without any Real-Time feedback on receiving it
  • Truth: Generation sources blindly dump power onto the network without any Real-Time feedback as to if the network requests it.

Truth: Power flow occurs in Real-Time

Need: Real-Time Power Flow Control

3DFS’s technology enables precise control and balancing of power flow in real-time. By leveraging innovations in computing, power electronics, sensing, and controls, it overcomes the limitations of traditional power electronics that cannot sense or correct issues occurring within the 1/60th of a second cycle of AC power. This technology ensures that power flow is optimized and responsive to real-time demand.

Electricity moves at lightning speed, requiring a technology that can keep up with its rapid and dynamic nature. That’s where Software-Defined Electricity (SDE) comes in. Embedded within 3DFS power controllers, SDE is a solid-state power correction technology that precisely measures electricity in real-time (at the nanosecond level) and then at the same time corrects electricity to its optimal efficiency.

Truth: Electronic machines and loads unintelligently request power from a network without any Real-Time feedback on receiving it

Non-optimized power flow results in significant electrical energy waste, leading to environmental damage, CO2 and greenhouse gas pollution, and resource inefficiencies.

The VectorQ Series power controller, through its real-time electricity analytics capabilities, intelligently senses and measures all electrical parameters in real-time.

This precise measurement allows for the identification and prevention of electrical losses, reducing waste and improving energy efficiency in power networks.

Need: Energy Efficiency and Waste Reduction

Truth: Generation sources blindly dump power onto the network without any Real-Time feedback as to if the network requests it

Need: Transformational Technology

The VectorQ Series power controller represents a significant advancement over conventional methods. By controlling power flow in real-time, it provides a leapfrog in technology, resulting in more efficient, stable, secure, and safe grids and power networks.

This technology has the potential to transform the energy industry and pave the way for a sustainable energy future.